Prof. Dr. Mike Sandbothe

Author, film director and cultural political advisor of Nomad Academy (Copenhagen), Ogron Technologies Europe and (Koeln/Berlin). Born 1961. Studied philosophy, literature, media studies, and linguistics in Tübingen, Berlin, and Bamberg. Masters degree 1987 at the Free University Berlin. From 1989 academic journalism for the Frankfurter Rundschau, the Tagesspiegel and Bavarian Radio. From 1989 to 1993 Postgraduate Assistant in philosophy at Bamberg University. Doctorate attained in 1994 at the Bamberg University. Awarded University prize for doctoral thesis. From 1993 to 1998 Assistant Professor in the Philosophy Department at Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg. 1995 research stay as visiting scholar at Stanford University. From 1998 to 2003 Assistant Professor in the Philosophy Department and Associate Professor for Culture and Media Studies in the Media Department at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena. Afterwards tenured Full Professor for Media Philosophy at Universität der Künste Berlin and Research Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Science and Medicine of Aalborg University Copenhagen (Denmark). Publications in the following fields: media philosophy, American pragmatism, philosophy of science, philosophy of time (see, for example, "The Temporalization of Time in Modern Philosophy"). Habilitation 2000. Awarded University prize for Habilitation thesis at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena. 2000/2001 Guest Professor for Media Education at Bielefeld University, 2002 Guest Professor for Philosophy at Essen University. Special interests include cultural and educational challenges of Climate Change as well as body based learning. Member of the Editorial Board of the international journal Pragmatism and American Philosophy. Co-Editor of the book series "Epistemological Studies" (Frankfurt a.M./New York: Ontos) and "Education and New Media" (Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften ). Several appearances in high culture programs of German TV stations (as 3sat "Kulturzeit" or ZDF "Morgenmagazin"). From 2000 Scientific Advisor of probono tv productions GmbH, since 2007 of Recent books in English: The Temporalization of Time (2001; German 1998), The Pragmatic Turn (2004), Pragmatic Media Philosophy (2005; in German: 2001), Pragmatism as Cultural Politics (2011).
Curriculum vitae
Name: | Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Mike Sandbothe, M.A. |
Date of birth: | 26/6/1961 |
Place of birth: | Essen (North Rhein-Westphalia [NRW], Germany) |
University degrees: | 1987: Magister Artium (Free University, Berlin) |
1994: Attainment of PhD at the Otto Friedrich University, Bamberg with the distinction ‘summa cum laude’ | |
1994: PhD thesis honoured with the Academic Prize for the Best Dissertation by the Friends of the Otto Friedrich University, Bamberg | |
2000: Habilitation at Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena | |
2002: Habilitation honoured with the Academic Prize for the Best Habilitation by Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena (5000 Euro) | |
Professional experience: | 1987 onward: work as a freelance academic journalist for the German newspapers Tagesspiegel, Die Welt, Frankfurter Rundschau, Die Tageszeitung (taz), Chip, Telepolis, the radio channel Bayerischer Rundfunk, the TV channels ZDF, 3SAT, and various other newspapers and radio/TV channels |
1989-1993: Lecturer in the Philosophy Department at the Otto Friedrich University, Bamberg | |
1993-1998: Assistant Professor in the Philosophy Department at the Otto von Guericke University, Magdeburg | |
1996-1998: work as media adviser for America Online (AOL), Intershop, the Government of Sachsen-Anhalt, the NRW Ministry of Education and Probono television productions GmbH (Cologne/ Berlin) | |
since 2000: Strategic Program Development Advisor of probono television productions GmbH (Cologne/Berlin) | |
2001-2004: Associate Professor for Media Studies and Cultural Theories of Digital Media in the Media and Communication Department at Friedrich Schiller University, Jena | |
2000-2002: Visiting Full Professor for Media Education in the Department of Education at Bielefeld University (substituting Prof. Dr. Dieter Baacke) | |
April 2002-September 2002: Visiting Associate Professor for Media Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at Essen University (substituting Prof. Dr. Vittorio Hoesle) | |
2003-2005: Full Professor for Media Philosophy in Theory and Practice at Berlin University of Fine Arts (tenure) | |
2005-2008: Research Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Science and Medicine of Aalborg University Copenhagen (Denmark). | |
since 2006: Media-philosophical supervisor of Nomad Academy Copenhagen and CEO of Nomad Company (Aalborg/Copenhagen). | |
Organisation/direction of acad. conferences: | 1993: First Bamberg Philosophical Master Class on The Resurgence of Time and international conference on Time – Media – Perception, Bamberg, 28-30/6/1993 |
1994: International symposium Media Transforming Reality, Magdeburg, 16-18/12/1994 [organized together with Prof. Gianni Vattimo (Turin) and Prof. Wolfgang Welsch (Magdeburg); Max Planck Research Award 1994] | |
1996: International conference Applications and Effects of Innovative Information and Communications Technology (30/9-1/10/1996) | |
2001: Workshop The Past and Present Futures of Radio, Film and Television, ARD Play Out Center, Potsdam-Babelsberg, 7-9/3/2001 | |
2002: German Research Foundation (DFG) workshop Neopragmatism and the Understanding of Science in Cultural, Social, Media and Communications Studies, Europäische Akademie, Ahrweiler/Bonn, 16.-18. September 2002 | |
2007: Climate Change Cinema, Nomad Academy and Grand Theater, Copenhagen. | |
2007: Art, Body, and Nature (Workshop 1), Pragtec Enterprises and Nomad Academy Copenhagen, Mygdal (Denmark). | |
2007: Richard Rorty Memorial, Café Ib René, Aalborg. | |
2007: Art, Body, and Nature (Workshop 2), Nomad Academy Copenhagen and Center for Body, Mind and Culture at Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton (Florida). | |
Stays abroad: | 1994/95: Research visit at Stanford University (USA), cooperation with Prof. Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht (Comparative Literature) and Prof. Terry Winograd (Computer Science) |
August 1997: Research visit in Sao Paolo, Brazil (invited by Goethe Institut Sao Paolo) | |
Oktober 1997: Research visit at Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela (invited by Goethe Institut Caracas) | |
2007/8: Research visits at Helsinki University, Florida Atlantic University, Teheran University, and University of Iceland. | |
Research projects: | 1992-1993: Postmodernism and Everyday Life – a Cross Disciplinary Empirical Study, Burda Marketing (Munich) |
1996-1997: German Research Society (DFG) research project on the subject Theatrical Texts. Hypertextual Forms of Representation in the Internet (in the framework of the DFG Programme Theatricality. Theatre as a Cultural Model in the Cultural Sciences) | |
1997-1998: The Future of the Internet, America Online | |
2002: Proposal of a DFG key research programme on the subject of Neopragmatism and the Understanding of Science in Cultural, Social, Media and Communications Studies | |
Editorial activities: | Co-editor of the academic series of monographs Philosophy and Representation (Amsterdam/Atlanta, Rodopi Publishers, 1994-1998), Education and New Media (Wiesbaden, Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften), and Epistemological Studies: Publications on the theory of knowledge and science (Frankfurt/Main and New York: Ontos). |
Advisory activities: | Subject advisor for the areas of philosophy and media theory for Körber Foundation (including for the German Study Prize Turn to a Visual Age? Pictures-Technology-Reflection, 1999), Hans Böckler Stiftung (Düsseldorf), Volkswagen-Stiftung (Hannover), Jubiläumsfonds of the City of Vienna, Vienna Science and Technology Fund, and the Austrian Academy of the Sciences. Member of the Editorial Boards of the online-journal Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung (Technische Universität Berlin,, and the international journal Pragmatism and American Philosophy ( |
Advisor of 15 M.A. theses, 4 PhD theses, and 2 habilitation theses |
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*Photography by Torsten Hildebrandt